Saturday, July 27, 2024
Crystal ExperienceExperience

My Sidhshakti bracelet protected my daughter

Jai Maa Sidh Sidhshakti Namah.

I have come to Sri Maa’s darbar for the second time today. When I had come for the first time, Maa gave me three bracelets to wear. One day I went to some satsang. While I was sitting there, my bracelet broke. Neither did anybody touch my hand, nor did I get stuck anywhere. I wondered how it broke. When I went home and my daughter also came back home, she told me that somebody had hit her car from the back. If she had been driving fast then she would have definitely got hurt badly. But neither she nor her car got hurt. The time that she had told me when this incidence had happened was exactly the same time when my bracelet had broken. I am more excited about the fact that Sri Maa specially blessed me. Maa I request you to kindly bless me and my family.

Jai Maa Sidhshakti.

Namita Sharma.

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