Saturday, July 27, 2024

Sidhshakti Seva

Sidhshakti Seva means offering Voluntary Service and donation as heartfelt acts of kindness to help people selflessly- by making people aware about the Universal Energy work of Sri Maa & Institute of Spiritual Sciences. Since we receive unendingly from Sri Maa and Sidhshakti Energies all the time, it is our responsibility to express our gratitude by doing service of others.

 Sri Maa guides that ‘Seva’ or Voluntary service is of three kinds:

  1. From our physical body or time: ‘Tann‘.
  2. Performing service whole-heartedly: ‘Mann‘.
  3. With money, financial aid, donation: ‘Dhann’.


On Earth we do three kinds of deeds : Kayik ~ Mansik ~ Vachik

Kayik: With the body, time

Mansic: With the mind or heart

Vachik: With your speech

Thus Seva must also be done in three ways to balance our deeds done in these three ways. The more you have problem in a particular area in life, the more we should serve others in that way. The benefits maximize when we serve whole-heartedly.

 Thus Sidhshakti seva is a voluntary service done towards the Sidhshaktis- Energies of the Universe bestowed upon us by Sri Maa. Sidhshakti Seva would also mean voluntary activities done whole-heartedly through time, body or money towards genuine public welfare, by telling everyone about Sidhshakti Meditations, Spiritual articles etc in different ways. By telling people how Sidhshakti Meditations can positively heal their present day to day and chronic problems, diseases; bring joy, health, happiness, success, abundance- easily and more.



The blessings and good fortune that doing Sidhshakti Seva brings are innumerable and priceless. However, by understanding the benefits you get by performing Sidhshakti seva you can know that you are on the right path and also in which direction you should increase your present amount of sewa to reach these results in your life. As guided by wise men and women since ancient times- ‘Performing seva, a little beyond your capacity always brings immense benefits to you at all levels’.

 Disclaimer: The Sidhshakti Sewa helps you Spiritually and at Karmic levels. They are not a substitute for medical advise. If you have or suspect a medical condition then please follow your doctors advise.



 SEVA through your body & time ‘TANN

There can be many ways in which you can perform Sidhshakti Seva to bring good health, joy, happiness, abundance everywhere to everyone. You can do Sidhshakti seva by sitting at your home anywhere in the world or by coming to IOSS; or other Sidhshakti Programs. Here are some ideas.

-Telling about simple, easy Mediations created by Sri Maa and their benefits

-Sharing about spiritual articles- specially energized (Sidh) by Sri Maa & their benefits

-Telling about doing meditations on

-Telling about CD’s, cassettes, books, Newspapers etc. created by Sri Maa

-Helping people solve their problems by guiding them to do the right meditation or talk to volunteers.

-Volunteering at IOSS, New Delhi (INDIA) every Sunday

-Volunteering for services like sweeping, cleaning, shoe keeping, seating arrangement, decoration, rangoli etc at IOSS or at any other Sidhshakti programs.

-Volunteering in Public Welfare Programs conducted by IOSS in various cities & villages everywhere.

-Co-ordinating in organizing Free Public Welfare Programs in Orphanages, Old age homes, Schools, Collages, Jails, Leper colonies etc.

-Organizing Stress Relief Meditation or other programs at Institutes, companies etc.

-Organizing ‘Brain Power-Memory Improvement’ Meditation for students, school and college children.

-Translating Sidhshakti Books, Articles, Experiences etc to your local language.

-Typing translated books, experiences etc in English, Hindi or your local languages

-Write your experiences and send to IOSS

-Help other people write their experiences and send to IOSS

-Write articles to be published on blog

-Serve to distribute bhandara (food) during public welfare programs

-Designing Books, Posters, pamphlet and other designs for Public Welfare program; website etc.

-Record your own or others experiences as video/audio & send to 9310301300/400 or

-Driving, transporting materials, during public welfare programs


Doing SEVA whole-heartedly ‘MANN

-Taking out time happily from your busy schedule to serve without feelings of irritability or burden.

-Perform seva always with joy and a smile on your face.

-Think of seva always as a golden opportunity to serve everyone to help them heal, change habits and progress.

-Never do Sidhshakti seva as feeling of burden but as a blessing.

-Create more opportunities of seva for yourself, do not wait for others to do something new.

-Do seva with feeling of thanksgiving to Sidhshakti- Universal Powers for all that they always keep giving you.

-Keep learning about Mediations, spiritual articles and other spiritual articles created by Sri Maa so that you can share them easily with everyone.

-Remember that during Sidhshakti seva you are becoming a clear and perfect medium of Universal Energies. Help your self. Enhance this feeling daily.

-At the time of seva do not allow excuses come into your mind to stop you, like- I am sick… I have no time… I will do it later…


Contributing monetary ‘DHAN

-Collect some money as per your ability or Re. 1- everyday (towards public welfare) and keep separately. Donate this every month at IOSS or in IOSS bank account.

– Contributing and donating whole-heartedly towards making of ‘SIDHSHAKTI DHAAM’: For Shivlingams, Murtis of Deities of all religions, Construction of huts to heal different diseases easily, Meditation Rooms, Dormitories, Organic Area, Area or rare herbs, Children play area and many many more wonderful creations…

-As per ancient system, you can donate 10% or more of your income for Sidhshakti programs

-Every month you can also contribute money received by selling your old newspapers, old electronic items, old clothes etc.

-Contribute for working of For live telecasts, free telecasts, maintenance and others to serve millions of people worldwide

-Sponsoring boards and banners for public welfare programs

-Sponsoring tents, venue, tables, chairs, mike system and other arrangements for Sidhshakti programs

-Organizing Sidhshakti programs for Below Poverty Line People, Special Needs

-Organizing for preparation and distribution of food as Prasad during Sidhshakti Programs

-Sponsoring tickets for traveling to different cities and countries to conduct Sidhshakti Programs

-Donate or organize Sidhshakti meditation programs on to serve millions of people together.

-Contributing for designing and printing of pamphlets for Sidhshakti programs

-Contribute in printing of Sidhshakti books, Spiritual Articles, Kalyan Yantra etc at IOSS

-Helping in organizing of Public Welfare Programs at large scale in villages, towns, cities and different countries.

-Contributing for construction of Sidhshakti Dhaam

-In any other way that seems suitable to you with reverence to Sidhshakti Universal Energies.

– Taking Sidhshakti Kalyan Yantras from ‘IOSS’ and distributing them among masses or needy for public welfare.

This can be done at personal level or by putting up stalls any-where and sharing Kalyan Yantras with everyone who is willing to understand and use them with respect.

– Taking and distributing meditation CD’s

– Conducting Sidhshakti Public Welfare programs in your city.

– Other sewa as per your wish.


Take guidance from Institute of Spiritual Sciences (IOSS) about how to perform all services/sewa

mentioned above. Important:

– If you wish to distribute any Spiritual Articles created by Sri Maa then take them from ‘Institute of Spiritual Sciences’, New Delhi only. All spiritual articles are highly purified and energized by Sri Maa to bring such good and quick benefits to everyone. For example: if you wish to distribute ‘Kalyan Yantras’ then do not photocopy or print yourself. Ask for Original ones from the Institute. Only the original Kalyan Yantra- energized (made Sidh) by Sri Maa will work.

– You can always ask about more ways of doing seva by contacting the present volunteers.

– Always share your experiences and benefits you have received from Sidhshakti Seva by calling volunteers or writing an email. This will help you receive further guidance to enhance your voluntary activities and the benefits they bring to you and everyone.

If you have any doubts about how to perform Sidhshakti seva, or how to share with people about Sidhshakti Meditations; and more or if you wish to do any sewa other than mentioned above, please: Call/ Whats App volunteers on +91 9310301300 ~ 9310301400 or Email


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