Saturday, July 27, 2024

About Sri Maa

SRI MAA is a great divine personality on Earth with a single purpose of genuine public welfare.

Her commitment towards Her children is so great that the exceptional, simple human mother has become an epitome of teaching spiritual, worldly, moral, ethical, emotional, financial values by the way of simple meditations and practices that everyone can do.

She always shows a positive way to progress in life to everyone, be it young or old, rich or poor, men or women.

Her greatness lies in the fact that through Her actual Divine connection, She can figure out the right combination of natural paths for deep healing of everyone or for every disorder  and disease. Then She lovingly formulates it into an exclusive course for an individual or a common course for a group of people suffering from the same disease or disorder to empower them.

The courses taught by Her are based on Inner Science, Spiritual Science & Modern Science. Thus they are based on facts, which bring actual results. During the common courses, everyone can learn from Her: specialized Healing Meditation – Yoga – Acupressure – Mudra – Food and more related things to their particular problem.
Moreover the methods taught are very simple and easy to apply. Thus these courses are rare most precious and for anyone who embraces them.

Mostly everyone who has learnt during any of the courses done by Sri Maa, are bound to say how easy they are to integrate into day to day life itself.
For example – Her Healing meditations do not require focus or concentration, and can be done anytime, anywhere, sitting in any posture. They can be learnt for Healing both self and then others. The food taught by Her does not require you to leave anything in particular. Thus everyone can attend them and everyone can do them whether they are kids, students, men, women, elderly, specially able, pregnant, healers or more.

The great pool of wisdom and accurate knowledge originating from SRI MAA has become a source of healing most incurable problems of health, happiness, wealth, relationships, studies, work and more in the most positive and easy way.

Even after being engaged in public welfare activities day after day, hour after hour, She humbly takes out Her precious time to respond to everyone who wish to contact Her directly.

By attending and practicing what is taught by Sri Maa during Her courses, online classes, constant guidance and retreats- people have achieved unimaginable success in healing problems like genetic disorders, severe depression, auto immune diseases, infertility and menstrual problems along with all other kind of problems which have no medical cure, or conditions which no food, herbs, method or energy can heal.

People have also overcome there most severe relationship, wealth, happiness related problems most easily, in the most positive way. Innumerable people have also excelled spiritually and overcome their spiritual hindrances beyond their own imagination.

Those who attend and practice all that She shares, are sure to bow before the Divine love which emanates from Her every moment of every day.

Sri Maa has been the Master of Masters from whom great teachers, healers, saints and common people have learned alike- to make their lives fruitful and truly worthy of service to all.

Her teachings are based on Universal Energy (Sidhshakti). Thus they are secular and available to all for their definite welfare and progress.

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