Saturday, July 27, 2024
Aura Stick ExperienceExperience

The negativity of the house went away with Aura Stick

Jadu ki Chadi (Aura Stick)! As we can understand from it’s name that it works like magic. There was a lot of negative energy in our home.

No cassettes of Sidhshakti Mahamantra were playing in our home. We were very troubled as to what we should do.

When we requested for guidance from Sri Maa, she told us to use the Jadu ki Chadi after saying a prayer. I did just what I was told. Just then, at that time- all negative energy went away and our cassette started. Now whenever we have a problem, we use the Jadu ki Chadi immediately and we come out of all those troubles.

We express gratitude to Sri Maa many-many times for all this.

Please keep bestowing your kindness upon us like this.

In your service,


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