Saturday, July 27, 2024
Aura Stick Experience

Cholesterol and Sugar Balanced with the ‘Jadu ki Chadi’ (Aura Stick)

Jai Maa Sidh Sidhshakti Ji,

Many-many Pranam,

Since last three months I had a problem of dizziness. Doctor had told me to get cholesterol checked and scared me a lot that I could get paralysis or brain hemorrhage. I took the ‘Jadu ki Chadi’ from Sri Maa and with your grace- I used it upon my body. I did not get any test done. Then doctor again told me that “Take the money from me but get the tests done.” After this I got the tests done myself. I also got the sugar tested. My reports were very surprising. Cholesterol was not out of the profile limits. Everything was within range, was under control and sugar was also normal. Thank you for this grace.

Your child,

Kailash Bhutani,


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